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If you want to get rid of acne, please review these 6 living habits

 If you want to get rid of acne, please review these 6 living habits

Do you also have such troubles? There are a bunch of bumpy whiteheads, which can't be squeezed or eliminated. The whiteheads all over the face are really scary to look at, and they can't be covered by makeup, because of the graininess It's too three-dimensional, even makeup can't hide it...😭 Where do these acne come from? This article will take you to understand the habits that you take for granted in life, but may contribute to the growth of acne and pimples. Let us read it together!

What is acne? Causes of acne

Although you may have heard it often, here is an unavoidable introduction to what these whiteheads are. Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, are the result of abnormal blockage of hair follicles, which can be regarded as the predecessor of what is commonly known as "acne". The whiteheads you see are unexploded bombs. If the inflammation worsens, it will turn into red and swollen acne. When they break out and become " big red acne ", if they are not treated properly, what will remain is deep and difficult to repair. Scar , if you want to avoid this situation, start with prevention!

Why do acne and pimples occur? 6 Lifestyle Habits That Can Cause Acne, Breakouts, and Aggravation

Using makeup products that don’t suit your skin type

All commercially available skin care products, cosmetics, makeup removers, etc., cannot 100% guarantee that they will not cause acne and acne, just like 99% of people are fine after using it, but there will definitely be 1% of people who use it to develop acne or large acne. Acne breakout, you may say: "I think it's okay if people use it!" But I'm sorry, unfortunately, you are the 1% of people, but you just use it and it's okay.

You will find that the product will be specially marked on the outer packaging: " If it causes skin abnormalities after use, please stop using it immediately. " The abnormalities mentioned also include acne and acne. If you continue to use it with iron teeth, it is simply Suicidal behavior will only make the skin condition worse.

The damage caused by these unsuitable beauty products will definitely not be caused in one day. The acne on your face may be the product accumulated over the years from the use of those beauty products. Use, of course, will continue for a long time, if you don't stop using it, it will never end. 🤦‍♀️

Use fluoride toothpaste

If your acne and pimples happen to grow near the mouth , then you may have to pay attention to the possibility that it may be due to the use of fluoride toothpaste. It is recommended to use a fluoride-free toothpaste instead. Maybe the pimples around the mouth can be relieved. Maybe it can be improved.

Use of inappropriate shampoo and hair care products

When you see this, you must think: How can something that is used in hair, but not on my face, be the cause of acne? However, what you don't know is that the oily ingredients contained in hair shampoo and hair care products may be the source of nutrients for acne growth. Even if they are not directly applied to the face, they will touch the face through the hair, which is equivalent to You can apply the oil directly on your face; this kind of acne caused by the use of shampoo and conditioner products will grow along the hairline, most often distributed on the forehead hairline, and behind the ears to the cheeks and neck , that is, the position close to the contour line . If your acne and pimples are also distributed in the same place, and it has not been improved, it is recommended to stop using those oily shampoo and hair care products first.

Excessive cleaning

Clean skin is important, but you know what? Excessive cleansing will cause the opposite effect. Your skin is not a solid wall. Excessive cleansing, exfoliation and makeup removal will damage the skin instead. Acne and acne will not be reduced, and the skin will become more sensitive and prone to redness. itch.

When it comes to removing makeup, I believe you must have heard the saying that you need to remove makeup without makeup, right? If you still have this kind of myth, please remember a principle, you need to remove makeup only if you have makeup on, even if it is a product such as powder that can be removed by facial cleanser, or something like makeup cream, as long as there is If you use these things that are classified as cosmetics on your face, you need to remove makeup. For the selection of makeup remover products, please refer to this article➡Did you choose the right makeup remover, gel, milk, oil, eye and lip makeup remover? Clarify the myths and avoid getting worse...

Staying up late, irregular life

Sleep at night is the best time for the skin to repair. If the metabolism of the skin is disrupted because of staying up late, acne, acne and other skin problems will easily find you. Please ensure that your body gets enough sleep. Basically, you need at least 6-7 hours of sleep time😴, and you must go to bed before 12 o'clock . The ideal state is to fall asleep before 11 o'clock. I am more than 10 o'clock. Just lie down on your back! Although the editor also knows that people's lives are busy nowadays, but for the sake of our skin and physical health, let us work together to achieve a life of not staying up late and getting enough sleep!

Intake of dairy products

Nutritional balance is important, but you know what? In fact, dairy products or high-protein foods may also be the cause of acne. Scientific research has also pointed out that milk, skimmed milk powder, etc. may promote the growth of acne. Although this part has not yet been confirmed by strong data, But in fact, some people who suffer from acne have improved after quitting dairy products.

If you have the habit of drinking milk every day and find that your acne keeps growing, it is recommended that you try to quit dairy products first and drink soy milk instead.

The behaviors mentioned above may be the reason why acne & acne friends come to you, but they cannot be regarded as the only main reason. In addition to the influence of behavioral habits, I will add two things that you may not be able to reasons for control.

Other factors other than lifestyle habits


In fact, there are indeed mites parasitic on the human face. There are about two million mites on the face alone, and this kind of mites are called "Demodex". Normal people will not be affected by the parasitism of Demodex, but There are a small number of people who have itchy face, a large papule, or even pustules due to the excessive reproduction of mites. In this case, you must seek treatment from a dermatologist.

Effects of female hormones during menstruation

Before the menstrual period, because of the secretion of progesterone, a female hormone, especially on the chin, acne breakouts are particularly easy. For more information on acne breakouts during the menstrual period, please refer to this article ➡ Acne hell before the menstrual period is why? 3 main reasons

Of course, Rome was not created in a day. The most fundamental reason is that there are still a bunch of acnes that have not yet emerged in your pores. When these acnes are stimulated, they will pop up and say hello to you, adjusting the menstrual cycle. The method, to put it bluntly, is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The best way is to avoid all NG behaviors that may cause acne and acne on the skin.


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