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8 Pillars of Holistic Health

 8 Pillars of Holistic Health

Health is usually understood as the absence of disease or ailment. Although this definition is also correct, it lacks a broader comprehensive understanding. So start taking a broader view of your overall health. This means that health should be determined by more factors than just avoiding the flu every year.

Holistic health is supported by 8 pillars: physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental.

These pillars will give you a clear idea of ​​how to pursue optimal health, but it is by no means a norm. There are no one-size-fits-all rules of health, and the process is unique to each individual.

Your lifestyle, personality, and circumstances define what health means to you, which is why your approach to health should be individualized. And like everyone else, health requires a holistic approach.

So let's take a closer look at each pillar and how to strengthen them.


Most people immediately think of exercise when they hear “physical fitness” . Regular physical activity is an important part that should never be overlooked, but it's not the only aspect that deserves attention.

The body needs more than exercise, and good health includes adequate sleep, hygiene, and a healthy diet (discussed further in the next section). To assess the health of your body, ask yourself: Are you getting enough quality sleep ? If not, what is preventing you from getting a normal restful sleep?

Researchers have published the latest National Sleep Foundation recommendations for adults' sleep needs; the study reiterates the idea that adults should get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

As for college students, parents, and workaholics, it may be difficult to reach that number. But using simple strategies can make sure you get uninterrupted sleep easily.


  • Avoid looking at screens 30 minutes before bed.

  • Incorporate a nightly routine to help you fall asleep, including dimming the lights in the house, playing calming music, and even light stretches.

  • Cut out unnecessary light and noise. This can be done with blackout curtains and a white-noise machine.


Although nutrition is closely related to physical health, it is important to include it as a pillar of its own. This is especially true because nutrition must be individualized based on age, gender, activity level, and body chemistry.

A balanced diet requires you to eat foods that nourish your body and mind. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that adults fill half their plate with fruits and vegetables; the other half should be mostly grains, with a moderate amount of protein , and dairy.

Including the right amount of each food group on your plate will help you get the macronutrients you need for daily energy, muscle growth and recovery, and other bodily processes.

Unfortunately, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2013, 76% of adults in the United States did not meet the recommended daily fruit intake, and even most (87%) adults did not meet daily vegetable needs. If it is difficult to meet the recommended 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day, supplements can help your body regain the right amount of essential nutrients .

Strengthening this pillar requires careful attention to diet and proper nutritional supplementation . These jobs are made difficult by the pressures and time constraints of life. But improving nutrition will help strengthen the other 7 pillars of overall health.


  • Eat fruits and vegetables of various colors. Variety in this portion of the plate will ensure that the body gets the micronutrients it needs.

  • Watch portion sizes to help maintain weight and follow My Plate guidelines.

  • Replace refined grains with whole grains to ensure you're getting enough fiber.


Emotional health includes the ability to harness your feelings. This means having the ability to identify, evaluate, and effectively share these feelings with others.

Why is this important? Because life's ups and downs can take your emotions on an emotional roller coaster, but the more you understand and manage those feelings, the more peaceful you will be.


  • Make a list of people who can support you and how to contact them. It can be difficult to find someone to help you when you're having a hard time, but it's much easier to ask for help if you have this quick reference list at hand.

  • Seek help from a therapist or counselor. Often third party insight can help you navigate the ups and downs.

  • Keeping a journal is an easy way to identify and deal with feelings, especially if you don't want to tell people about them out loud. It's always been a great way to gauge whether you've improved or grown. And just a few pages of journaling can remind you of past obstacles and successes.

Social Contact

Social fitness is about getting along with people to form positive relationships. And if the relationship is volatile, this is the time to properly handle any conflict.

The support system that social relationships build can carry you through life's tough times. The Harvard Study of Adult Development has been ongoing for 80 years, collecting data from hundreds of participants. A recent study examined the links between marital satisfaction, social life, and happiness among octogenarians. The researchers found that participants who spent more time with others reported higher levels of happiness.

The impact of being surrounded by people who care about you cannot be underestimated. This ability to turn to someone for support and understanding can be useful when the demands of life increase and stress mounts. While it takes time and effort to build and maintain these relationships, the effort is worth it and will continue to work for you throughout your life.


  • Meet new people through social networking (such as com, community events, or volunteering).

  • Schedule a fixed time each week to meet up with friends and family from out of town. Make some new friends every week to keep your relationship strong.

  • Revisiting the idea of ​​traditional mail correspondence with pen pals, connecting with loved ones through handwritten letters can really strengthen your bond.


The spiritual pillar is different for everyone because it is an individual part of overall health. It has a stronger influence on an individual's life than any of the others, depending on how each person defines it.

Mind is often seen as a sense of purpose, direction, or meaning. If there is no heart, values ​​will be useless, and the balance of life will be disturbed. Many people cultivate their hearts through meditation, prayer, or other activities such as being out in nature .

Maintaining mental health may be different for everyone. It's not about a particular religion or belief system, it's about an individual's inner journey. Some people may use vigilance as a means to examine their inner intentions, guide their behavior, and maintain their value-oriented lives. The choice of how to strengthen your mental health is up to you.


  • Make it a priority to set aside a small amount of time each day for yourself, free from distractions, interruptions, and important activities. This time can be used for relaxation, reflection, meditation, or prayer.

  • Maintain the habit of journaling. Writing regularly can help cleanse your mind and hold you accountable to the goals you set.

  • Pick your top three values ​​in life, write them down, and reflect on them often. Keeping these values ​​in mind will help guide decisions big and small every day. This practice makes it easier to say "yes" to things that are valuable and "no" to things that don't align with your values.


Intellectual health is strengthened through continuous thinking. Doing so will help you build new skills and knowledge to inspire and challenge yourself, helping you grow. Depending on your mood, you can choose different methods to keep your mind sharp. For some, it's brain games and riddles, or delving into academics. Even just engaging in intellectually stimulating dialogue and debate can strengthen this pillar.

Some people experience intelligence through self-discovery and personal improvement. Academic endeavors, getting involved in the community, or pursuing other avenues of personal growth are some examples of things you can try.


  • Take an adult extension education class at a local community college or university.

  • Join a book club or go to your local library and get a library card.

  • Start journaling or other activities that allow for self-reflection.


Financial well-being is being able to live within your means and properly plan for the future. It may be difficult to achieve, but some small measures, in the long run, will pay off in big moments.

Financial health may sound unexciting, but improvements in this area certainly strengthen the other pillars of overall health. After all, financial hardship is one of the top stressors cited by Americans. Taking small steps to control spending and save money can really ease the burden on your everyday life.


  • Prioritize debt repayment.

  • Create a budget with the help of an online system like Mint or a personal financial planner.

  • Eliminate fixed monthly expenses for non-essentials such as entertainment, dining out, and leisure.


Environmental health concerns the environment you are in direct personal contact with, as well as the larger community in which you live and work. Specifically, environmental health depends on the interrelationship between individuals and their environment. How can you support your environment? Conversely, how does your environment support your health, well-being, and safety?

The impact of enhanced environmental health is felt both by you personally and by your larger community locally and globally. The more you care and respect your natural and built environment, the more they will support your everyday life.


  • Personal: Keep your workspace clean. An uncluttered workspace inspires creativity and productivity.

  • Neighborhoods: Join the community cleanup effort. This may include: reducing waste, recycling resources, and picking up nearby litter.

  • Larger communities: drive less. Whether it's consolidating multiple errands in one trip or trying not to drive when possible, every little effort can add up to a big contribution.

Building the Pillars of Overall Health

Health can mean different things to everyone, and health empowers each person to pursue their personal goals. In conclusion, when body, mind and spirit are taken care of holistically, there is less resistance to pursuing and achieving your goals.

To determine your personal approach to health, start with the eight pillars of holistic health and identify where you need to focus most. And remember, strengthening each pillar will give you the best foundation to live your healthiest and good life.



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