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It is best not to exceed this amount in one week of weight loss. Rapid weight loss may cause 4 kinds of diseases on the body

 It is best not to exceed this amount in one week of weight loss. Rapid weight loss may cause 4 kinds of diseases on the body

The current world is in the age of light speed, so no matter what you do, everyone wants to be fast and strive for maximum efficiency. Therefore, the speed of transportation is getting faster and faster, and the speed of self-demand to make money is getting faster and faster. Even fitness There is also a trend of rapid weight loss. The Internet is full of a bunch of advertisements claiming to lose 10 kg in 7 days, or even more exaggerated weight loss food or drug advertisements, making people who want to lose weight look forward to it in a very short period of time. , you can be thin enough to make people look impressive and refreshed.

A reasonable weight loss rate is to lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week

 In fact, weight loss must also be done at a reasonable rate. If the rate of weight loss is too fast, it often does not only lose body water but not fat. Therefore, the correct rate of weight loss should be 0.5 to 1 kg per week. , it is best not to exceed 2 kg , if the weight drops too fast, it may cause harm to the body.

In particular, the average person loses weight by reducing the amount of food or meals, and there will be good results at the beginning, but most of them are as mentioned above, because the water in the body has decreased, or the frequency of bowel movements has increased , The amount of feces has also increased, but not necessarily a decrease in body fat.

4 symptoms that can occur with rapid weight loss

There are at least four possible sequelae of rapid weight loss:

1. Symptoms such as anemia caused by malnutrition:

In order to lose weight in the shortest time, some people will try dieting, drug weight loss and other methods to achieve the goal of rapid weight loss. In fact, this method not only cannot achieve long-term weight loss, but also causes malnutrition because the body cannot take in the proper nutrients, and then produces anemia. Once anemia occurs, symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, pale complexion, and fatigue , leading to poor physical strength and decreased immunity.

2. Insufficient vitamins in the body cause various dysfunctions in the body:

Rapid weight loss can easily lead to insufficient vitamins in the body, especially because excessive dieting causes an imbalance between food intake and nutrition, which will lead to vitamin deficiency that is not easy to occur with a normal diet. Various vitamin deficiencies have different symptoms. For example, lack of vitamin A can easily cause gastrointestinal and urinary system infections, and even affect the reproductive system; lack of vitamin B can reduce carbohydrate and fat metabolism, making obesity easy; lack of vitamin C can cause collagen synthesis to appear. Obstacles affect the elasticity and luster of the skin, and the body's detoxification function is impaired, which significantly reduces the resistance.

3. Insufficient intake of high-quality protein causes symptoms such as osteoporosis or hair loss:

The main component of cell formation is protein. When the human body has insufficient intake of high-quality protein due to rapid weight loss, it will affect the functions of the entire body, making the skin dull and dull, and causing metabolic disorders , Endocrine disorders , while reducing resistance.

In addition, when the intake of fat and protein in the body is insufficient, it is also prone to hair loss, and excessive and rapid weight loss also means that the intake of calcium in the body is reduced, which is prone to symptoms of osteoporosis.

4. Women are prone to gynecological diseases:

Because rapid weight loss can cause endocrine disorders in the body, especially if women lose weight too quickly in a short period of time, they are most prone to gynecological diseases. Menstruation should occur every month. If the body cannot produce enough blood, it may cause irregular menstruation

Formulating a long-term plan and implementing it reasonably and steadily is the correct way to lose weight

After reading the 4 types of diseases that may be caused by rapid weight loss mentioned above, all friends who want to lose weight should not be greedy, but must pay attention to reasonable methods and achieve a reasonable diet. Mr. HEHO suggests that you can first formulate a weight loss plan, and arrange to lose weight step by step in a period of 3 months or half a year. You can control it by adjusting your eating habits, eating less and more meals, and avoiding high-calorie foods and fried foods. Nutrition intake, in addition, must maintain the habit of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise three to four times a week, and make a record of the weight loss process, so as to improve weight loss efficiency and confidence, and adjust the weight loss plan at any time according to the situation.

Don't be greedy and fast like Xiaozhen to lose weight, otherwise it will become these 5 fates

The National Health Administration announced that the ideal weight loss rate is 0.5 to 1 kg per week

Although Xiaozhen's rapid weight loss method is amazing, it is not the correct weight loss speed. The ideal weight loss rate announced by the National Health Service is an average weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week , while the "National Diabetes , Digestive and Kidney Association" of the United States pointed out that no matter how many kg you want to lose, a feasible goal and a slow approach can True weight loss and maintenance.

Carol Ann Rinzler, the author of "The Idiot's Weight Loss Method", put forward a set of "slow and small amount of weight loss theory" , which is to maintain and stabilize the weight loss method, establish a balanced diet with a variety of foods, and through eating less , Slowly lose weight with eating habits that chew and eat slowly, which is similar to the "slow weight loss" popular in Japan.

5 Bad Things That Can Happen to Rapid Weight Loss

However, Xiaozhen's rapid weight loss method is obviously far from the regular weight loss speed. Although the effect is obvious, there are also sequelae. Experts point out that at least the following five bad situations will occur.

1. Rapid weight gain:

If you lose weight too fast, it is easy to gain weight back quickly, even fatter than before weight loss. The weight increases and decreases suddenly, just like a balloon that inflates for a while and deflates for a while. The previous weight loss was due to the loss of water in the body, as well as the reduction of muscle and fat tissue, but when regaining weight, it is all returned to the body in the form of fat , so it will become more and more difficult to lose weight.

This kind of rapid weight loss person repeatedly seems to be trapped in the cycle of fat and thin again and again. Xiaozhen is the most obvious example.

2. Decreased body metabolic rate:

Crazy dieters eat too low calories every day, or lose weight successfully by dieting. Basic calorie consumption, but as long as you return to a normal diet or increase your food intake, the calories will not be consumed quickly in the body, and will become fat and accumulate in the body.

3. Liver, kidney and gastrointestinal dysfunction:

Fast weight loss days will lead to long-term starvation and insufficient intake of nutrients, which can easily cause temporary disorders of liver and kidney functions. At the same time, due to repeated weight gain and weight loss, the body's metabolic rate will decrease and affect gastrointestinal function, which is very likely to happen Problems such as indigestion or gastrointestinal problems.

4. Weakened body resistance:

Excessive and rapid weight loss will lead to insufficient nutrient intake, rapid decomposition of muscle protein in the body, resulting in poor physical strength, decreased production of lymphocytes, and weakened resistance, leading to colds, backaches and other diseases .

5. Skin deterioration, easy hair loss:

Insufficient nutrients caused by rapid weight loss will lead to abnormal metabolism in the body. Coupled with repeated weight loss, the body shape will become wider and narrower, and the skin will become looser and tighter . Occasionally, hair loss may even occur.

In addition to the above five conditions, women's fast weight loss method is likely to have an impact on hormones, causing menopause or menstrual disorder.

Everyone is losing weight but you are getting thinner? Be careful of these 6 diseases on the upper body!

A single "poor digestion" cannot be fully responsible for "fat gain". If your BMI is <18.5, or if your BMI is normal, but you have recently experienced significant weight loss without weight loss, you need to pay special attention. You can first Go to the hospital for an examination to rule out the possibility of some diseases.

Diabetes - If you lose a lot of weight after "eating, drinking and urinating too much", you need to go to the endocrinology department to check glucose tolerance or glycosylated hemoglobin.

Hyperthyroidism - protruding eyes are easy to associate with hyperthyroidism, but some people have no symptoms, but their basal metabolic rate increases and their temper becomes irritable. This situation is easy to be ignored. You can go to the endocrinology department to check the thyroid function.

Psychological and stress problems - In addition to "stressed fat", there is also "stressed thin".

Pancreatitis - After overeating, the pancreas may become inflamed, and you will have diarrhea when you eat oil.

Helicobacter pylori - chronic gastritis caused by pylori bacteria , symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, or gastric ulcer or atrophic gastritis found by endoscopy.

Surgical impact - cholecystectomy, most of the gastrectomy, and partial small intestine resection may lead to abnormal absorption, so you will lose weight. If you need to gain weight at this time, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist for evaluation and planning.

Life Change and Diet for Healthy Weight Gain

If you don't find any major problems after going to the hospital for investigation, but you still feel that you are too thin, you can adjust your daily routine and eating habits in a timely manner. Zhang Zhengang, a professor of sports management at the National Taiwan Sports University, pointed out that there are several keys to gaining weight: sufficient calories, balanced nutrition, exercise, and a planned diet.

Contrary to weight loss, people who want to gain weight must consume more calories than they expend, so that excess calories can be used to grow muscle and fat tissue. The source of calories is not just junk food. High-quality protein can provide raw materials for muscle synthesis, sufficient vitamins and minerals to maintain normal body function and growth, and carbohydrates and fats provide the calories needed for growth and exercise.

The rest of the calories come from fats, which don't need to be taken deliberately because they are found in cooking oils and other foods. Fruits and vegetables are very important but often overlooked foods, but the vitamins and minerals they contain are very important for the function and growth of the body.

And exercise can promote muscle growth, and increase appetite, you can eat enough calories. And if you only eat without exercising, the extra calories will be converted into fat and stored instead of muscle, and you will just gain weight, which is not healthy. Meal planning can ensure adequate nutrient and caloric intake, allowing you to correct deficiencies in real time.

All in all, if you always feel that you can’t gain weight, or if you have lost involuntary weight recently, you may need to see a doctor; if the doctor finds nothing wrong, and you are not too thin to affect your normal life, then continue to be a "paper man" relationship; if you strongly want to gain weight, you must also use healthy methods to avoid harming your body with high-fat and high-salt methods.


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