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How to Lose Belly Fat Best Ways (Tips to Lose Belly Fat)

 How to Lose Belly Fat Best Ways (Tips to Lose Belly Fat)

How to get rid of belly fat? Almost no one wants to be a fat person, so most of them will take action to lose weight, but weight loss is not easy to lose. I have collected and organized relevant information on how to get rid of belly fat for you, let's take a look.

how to get rid of belly fat1

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

1. Warm up for 10 minutes, until the whole body is sweating slightly, then bind the abdomen 5-6 layers with plastic wrap.

2. Do abdominal muscle exercises in the supine position.

Exercises on the navel: keep the lower body still and do sit-ups, aiming at tightening and flattening the protruding part of the stomach.

Exercises under the navel: Keep the upper body still, raise your feet to do leg flexion and stretching and head lift exercises, the purpose is to tighten and reduce the entire lower abdominal circumference.

External oblique exercises: After completing the upper and lower abdominal exercises, do various waist rotation exercises. This exercise is used as an auxiliary exercise to make the weight loss effect of upper and lower abdominal exercises more obvious.

3. Knead the abdomen to "catch" fat.

There is a saying: "Seven points of exercise, three points of kneading." If you want to remove fat from the abdomen as soon as possible, after abdominal exercise, do circular massage and kneading 100 times clockwise and counterclockwise each, to "drive away" fat and promote fat metabolism .

Essential Oil Massage Fat Reduction Technique (Key Recommendation)

Pour 10-20 drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand, rub it on the abdomen, and massage the abdomen. Abdominal massage is not simply rubbing your stomach. Selecting the right basic acupoints for massage will get twice the result with half the effort, allowing you to show your waist more confidently. It can be slapped upwards in a spiral manner, and then use the palm of your hand to massage the abdomen. When patting upwards, the strength should be small, otherwise the condition of people with uterine problems will be aggravated; you can also rub left and right until the massaged part becomes hot.

Note: Try to avoid massage for 1 hour before and after meals, so as not to cause gastroptosis.

Acupoint 1: Zhongwan point about 4 inches above the navel on the midline of the abdomen.

Acupoint 2: Shuishui point about 1 inch above the navel on the midline of the abdomen. (massaging the water point helps to eliminate excess water in the body,

Avoid edema, and can help gastrointestinal peristalsis, exercise abdominal muscles, and avoid protruding lower abdomen

Acupoint 3: Qihai point, about 1.5 inches below the navel on the midline of the abdomen.

Acupoint 4: Guanyuan point is about 3 inches below the navel on the midline of the abdomen. Massaging Qihai and Guanyuan points can effectively suppress appetite and help evenly distribute abdominal fat; while massaging Tianshu point can help digestion, exhaust gas, promote gastrointestinal motility, and waste excretion, and of course it is more conducive to eliminating fat in the lower abdomen.

Acupoint five: Shuidao point is about 3 inches below the navel, and the left and right sides of Guanyuan point are about 2 inches to both sides.

Acupoint six: Tianshu point is about 2 inches from the left and right sides of the navel, with Zuo Tianshu as the focus.

Acupoint massage method and time: Lie on the bed in the morning and evening every day, first push 3 to 4 times from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen with technique 2, and then massage the above 6 acupoints with technique 1 and 2 successively, and massage each acupoint for 2 minutes about.

how to get rid of belly fat 2

1. Drink a glass of boiled water after waking up.

Drinking a glass of boiled water every day after getting up can promote the body's metabolism. If you feel that the boiled water is too bland, you can add some honey to the boiled water. Honey water can also effectively promote our intestinal peristalsis and reduce our small belly. At the same time, try to drink less carbonated drinks in daily life, and some drinks with particularly high sugar content, these drinks contain substances that are difficult for our body to digest.

Second, control and adjust the daily diet.

The small stomach is caused by the accumulation of fat on the stomach, and reducing the stomach is to lose body fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you must adjust and control your daily diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables every day, eat less desserts and snacks, and take in more foods containing cellulose. Starting from the daily eating habits, it will not only help treat constipation, but also effectively control the daily calorie intake.

3. Massage the abdomen with your hands.

If you want to lose your small belly, regular massage and massaging your abdomen with your hands can also achieve good results. When we wake up in the morning, massage our stomachs clockwise, repeat the inscription at night, and persist for a period of time to see good results.

4. Adhere to doing yoga exercises every day.

Losing belly is inseparable from exercise. If you want to lose weight, doing yoga is a good choice. Yoga exercise will not be too intense, but it can also play the role of exercise, and yoga exercise can well promote the body's metabolism and achieve the effect of fat loss. Regularly doing yoga exercises can not only slim down the stomach, but also make the body more beautiful.

Five, sit-ups.

In addition to practicing yoga, sit-ups also have a very good effect on thinning the stomach. Practicing sit-ups every day can play a role in abdominal tightening. But be careful, you must control your own rhythm when doing sit-ups, and don't do them too violently at the beginning, resulting in no motivation in the later stage, so that the effect will only be counterproductive. Adhere to the right amount of sit-ups for a long time, and you can also train the abdominal line while thinning your stomach.

The fastest way to lose belly fat

The fastest way to lose belly fat. Almost no one wants to have a big belly, so most of them will take action to reduce belly fat, but weight loss is not easy to lose. Next, I will take you to learn more about the fastest way to lose belly fat.

The fastest way to lose belly fat 1

1. Abdominal breathing

Abdominal breathing is mainly used in yoga practice, but it can also be used alone. It is a very effective method for reducing stomach. The method is very simple, which is to inflate the belly when inhaling, and retract the belly when exhaling.

2. Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage is a commonly used method for thinning the abdomen. Lie flat on the bed, put a hot wet towel on the abdomen, and apply it for a few minutes. You can also buy slimming products and apply them on the abdomen. Using slimming cream is also one of the fastest ways to reduce belly fat . Press the abdomen with the palm in a clockwise direction, and push from bottom to top to ensure that the massage cream is fully absorbed.

3. Do housework

No sister who is diligent and loves to work will be fat, so learn to do housework and make yourself diligent. You must know that housework is also a good way to lose weight, and it is the cheapest and most effective way. For example, when you need to sweep the floor, choose to use a broom instead of a vacuum cleaner, and use a mop or rag when wiping the floor, so that you can consciously increase the amount of exercise in housework.

4. Hula hoop

You must be familiar with the hula hoop exercise. The hula hoop can be called the fastest way to reduce belly fat, but you must master certain methods, otherwise it will get the effect. Persisting in hula hooping for 20 minutes every day will definitely have a good effect, and you can do hula hooping while watching your favorite TV programs.

5. Lose belly fat in the subway

Busy office workers don't have much time to exercise, so it's better to lose weight on the way to work or take the subway. Hold a pull ring with one hand, hold the bag in front of your chest with the other hand, tighten the abdomen, and then press the abdomen firmly with the bag, and keep the abdomen tight. This exercise can not only play a slimming effect, but also exercise the arms.

6. Don't hold back

If you have the desire to defecate, you must solve it. Don’t hold back. If you always hold back, you will develop constipation. Try to develop a good habit of defecation every day to prevent constipation. Flat.

The fastest way to lose belly fat 2

1. Walk and talk

Stop communicating with friends while eating and drinking as usual. Next time you get together, you might as well arrange it during exercise, because with a friend who loves sports, your exercise volume can reach 104% of your usual exercise.

It is recommended that you and a friend do a weekly "walk and talk" activity, or form a friends fitness club, or do a gym boutique workout together. As you grow closer, you'll be able to get everyone moving.

2. Bend your body to drive away the big belly

Hold the resistance band with both hands, stretch it tight, and lie flat on the floor with your legs straight and your arms overhead.

Inhale the lower abdomen, tighten the chin, raise the arms to the ceiling, drive the head, shoulders, and torso to lift up one by one, and press them to the legs.

Move as fast as possible, and keep your ankles close to the floor. Finally, touch your feet with your hands, pause, and keep your hands touching your feet. After a while, slowly lie back and return to the original position.

Repeat this action 5-8 times (it takes about 30 minutes), and exercise 5-6 times a week.

3. Make time for cardio

If you want to maximize your belly fat burn, do cardio.

A study by Duke University showed that aerobic exercise is the most effective way to burn the deep visceral fat in the abdomen. Aerobic training can burn 67% more calories than simple resistance training or a combination of the two.

4. Try Spider-Man climbing

Reduce blind spots in your workout with a Spider-Man-esque climbing motion.

Lie on your stomach with your legs and arms straight, hands under your shoulders, and feet relaxed.

Keep the abdomen tight, bend the left leg to the left side of the body, keep the knee as close to the left elbow as possible, keep this movement, pause, then return the left foot to the starting position, switch to the right leg, and repeat the movement.

Repeat this, 20 on each side (about 30 minutes), and exercise 5-6 times a week.

5. Beat fat with fiber

For every 10 grams of fiber you eat each day, your belly will absorb 4% less fat.

Thankfully, you don't have to swallow a box of bran flakes to get more fiber; you can choose to enjoy it more.

For example, eating two apples, or half a cup of pinto beans, or an artichoke, or two cups of broccoli can give you 10 grams of fiber for a slim belly.

6. Be the first person to order food at restaurants

Saying "I'll be last" when a waiter is around you asking for service can put a lot of strain on your stomach.

A recent study found that normal-weight women were more likely to mimic the eating habits of slim women than obese women.

So when you're out partying, be the first to order so you can help yourself and maybe a friend or two have a flatter belly.

7. Sway your body

Lie on your back, put your hands on your sides, palms down, bend your legs 90 degrees, and lift your feet off the ground.

Tighten the lower abdominal muscles, lower the legs to the left as far as possible, and at the same time, keep the shoulders close to the ground.

Hold this action for a few minutes, then return to the right side and repeat this action.

Do this 20 times, then switch directions.

8. Clean the house

Another reason to start your housecleaning routine: Vacuuming is a great ab workout.

To create a firmer midsection during sweeping, tense your abdominal muscles as you move forward and back.

9. Reduce Salt Intake

Too much salt can prompt you to drink more water, which can make you look puffy. Don't forget, the water hidden in the body also has weight.

10. Boat exercise, burn fat

Build your deepest abs with Boat Pose: Lie flat on your back on a mat, bring your arms straight up to your chest, and bend your back to lift your upper body. At the same time, lift your feet.

At this time, place the balance point of the body on the hips, bend the knees, and at the same time, keep the calves parallel to the ground, and slowly lower the legs.

This is a whole set of actions. Repeat this 5 times, resting for 30-60 seconds each time.

11. Include green fruit in your diet

Just half an avocado provides 10 grams of unsaturated fatty acids to control blood sugar spikes.

Blood sugar spikes are the culprit for fat accumulation in the lower abdomen.

Don't need too much, just 1/4 dose can avoid belly fat.

12. The catch game

First make a sit-up position: lie flat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, shoulders and head off the ground, abdominal muscles contracted;

Then have someone throw a practice ball (or basketball) to you: first to your left, where you need to turn to catch it; then to your right.

For this workout, you should catch as many balls as you can within your comfort zone, and increase the number of catches every week

How to lose belly fat?

Small ways to lose belly fat: fancy plank, fitness ball exercise, walking with abdominal shrinkage, standing and twisting, drinking more water to reduce belly fat, and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. details as follows

1. Advanced version of fancy plank support: On the basis of maintaining ordinary plank support, straighten one arm and raise the body horizontally, and then use the elbow of the other arm to support the body to maintain the balance of the body. Continue to maintain the basic action of ordinary plank, lift one foot in the rear suspension, and hold it.

2. Fitness ball exercise: The fitness ball is effective for thinning the stomach. First, sit on the inflated fitness ball, put your legs flat on the ground, and slowly lean back. The legs should follow the roll of the medicine ball and go out, knowing that the shoulders and back are touching the ball surface.

3. Walking with shrinking abdomen: Walking with shrinking abdomen is walking with abdominal breathing. When you exhale, shrink your abdomen, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and discharge waste from the body. You can perform abdominal breathing when you walk and stand daily, so that your abdominal muscles become stronger.

4. Standing and twisting the waist: In free time, you can stand, hold your chest and abdomen in, and then twist your waist left and right, using the strength of your waist instead of relying on the strength of your legs and back. Twist 100 times a day. Persistence can reduce your stomach.

5. Drink plenty of water to reduce belly fat: Getting up early with a glass of warm water is good for bowel cleansing and detoxification, and a glass of water before meals is good for enhancing satiety and suppressing appetite. Make sure to drink enough water every day to stimulate gastrointestinal motility, help eliminate excess garbage in the body, promote metabolism, and avoid the occurrence of small belly.

6. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: If you want to lose belly fat quickly, you must first control your mouth. Controlling calorie intake is the key to slimming your belly. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in calories and are good slimming foods. At the same time, high-fat fat is a taboo for weight loss.

Extended information:

Diet to Lose Abdominal Muscles

1. Eat more fish and eggs. Research results from the University of Copenhagen School of Medicine in Denmark show that eating more high-quality protein such as fish and eggs can make people feel full and increase energy, which can help lose weight, especially for people over 40 years old , can also reduce belly fat.

2. Eat the right amount of fat. Spanish studies have shown that eating more olive oil, fish, flaxseed oil, walnut oil and tofu is easier to maintain a slim figure. Fatty acids also increase belly fat.

3. Eat orange fruits and vegetables. In addition to containing cellulose, they can prolong the feeling of fullness. They are rich in vitamin C and carotene, which can also prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. Carrots, pumpkins, and peaches can provide a lot of β-carotene. Citrus, cherries, and kiwi are all rich in vitamin C.

How to scientifically reduce belly fat?

Nowadays, people pay attention to health, so when their abdominal fat accumulates too much, many people think that because their abdominal fat accumulates too much, too much, which seriously affects their health, so in order to remove body abdominal fat as soon as possible, generally Under the circumstances, how to reduce belly fat, through understanding, the correct way to remove belly fat as soon as possible.

1. Lie on your back in elbow-to-knee position, cross your hands and fingers behind your head, inhale, lift your head and back upwards, lift your left leg to form a 45-degree angle with the ground, bend your right leg and place your right foot on the inside of your left knee, and roll up your tailbone. When exhaling, turn your upper body to the right, touch your left elbow to your right knee, hold your abdomen, and hold it with inhalation. Do it from the other side. Repeat 5 times for newborns, and 8 to 10 times for intermediate and advanced students.

2. Lie on your back with your legs raised, cross your hands and fingers behind your head, inhale, lift your legs vertically to the ground, lift your head and shoulders, and lift your head off the ground. For a beginner, repeat 3 to 5 times; for an intermediate level, 8 to 10 times. After dropping your legs, relax.

3. Lie on your back while twisting the base, cross your hands and fingers behind your head, wrap your right leg around your left leg, and put your right ankle under your left leg, that is, the legs in the bird king pose. Elevate your feet so your thighs are higher than your lower abdomen, and bend your knees. Clasp your hands together, inhale, and roll your head and shoulders up. Exhale, roll up the tailbone, clamp the thighs and sit bones inward, lift the knees, and draw the abdomen in. Inhale, lower your pelvis and keep your head off the floor. Repeat three times.

4. Lie on your back in frog pose, cross your hands and fingers behind your head, lift your legs up, and keep your calves parallel to the ground. Exhale, spread your legs apart into a frog pose, keeping your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet extended. Inhale, curling your head and shoulders upward. Exhale, draw the lower abdomen inward. After inhaling, relax the pelvis down, keep the head off the ground, and repeat this movement. 3 to 5 times for newborns, 8 to 10 times for seniors.

5. Squat down and stand in one word, with your legs separated by one and a half shoulder widths, and your toes separated to the two sides to stand in a word. side, open backwards. Suction up and stand upright. 3 to 5 times for newborns, 5 to 8 times for seniors.

There are many ways to remove abdominal fat. For example, you can remove abdominal fat through liposuction, and you can remove abdominal fat through exercise. However, I suggest that if you can remove abdominal fat through exercise, this method is better. method, but you must persist, plus your own diet conditioning, in order to get rid of excess fat in your abdomen and have a healthy body.


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